The best art galleries in Antigua

Antigua, located in the heart of Guatemala’s breathtaking highlands, is like an open-air museum waiting to be explored with patience and curiosity. The former capital of the Kingdom of Guatemala is home to baroque ruins, art galleries and modern cultural spaces, making it a memorable experience for cultural enthusiasts. From traditional wooden sculptures and intricately …

Cornfield importance in Guatemala

The cornfield, besides being a flower, is an agroecosystem. This means that it is an ecosystem that produces other seeds and its maintenance has been the source of work for farmers. As if that were not enough, the seeds given have been the basis of the Guatemalan diet and economy.  Its benefits in the country …

Guatemala’s agriculture impact

Agriculture provides the mainstay of Guatemala’s economy, contributing 25% of GDP, employing over half the labour force and providing ⅔ of exports, mostly coffee, sugar, bananas and beef. Guatemala’s 3 main foods are maize, beans and rice. However, national production covers only 60% of demand, and many poor families face seasonal food shortages.  “We fill …

Extreme poverty in Guatemala on the rise

The economic and health crisis caused by the pandemic coupled with the impacts of natural disasters in the interior of the country left millions in losses and increased extreme poverty in 2020 more than in 2014, this according to estimates by the Economic Commission for America America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The general secretariat of …

Learn about the Mayan culture in Guatemala

Guatemala is one of the richest countries in Latin America in terms of culture and nature. Juan Luis Bosh Gutiérrez, Guatemalan businessman and altruist, has mentioned on several occasions that Maya culture is one of the most interesting in his country. For this reason, below we tell you about this mysterious and magnificent civilization. Mayan …